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Stafford Baseball Presents the
2023 Babe Ruth World Series - 14 year olds

Stafford Baseball League, Inc. is a registered, 501c3, non-profit corporation, in the Commonwealth of Virginia. We are affiliated with Babe Ruth League, Inc., and Babe Ruth Leagues of Virginia, Inc. Membership is open to every resident of Stafford County, Fredericksburg, Spotsylvania, King George, Eastern Prince William, and Fauquier County who is interested in advancing, and improving the youth instructional, and recreational baseball and girl's fast pitch softball programs available. SBL strives to create a fun environment for children while teaching the basic skills of baseball/softball in addition to teaching the life skills of teamwork and sportsmanship. SBL is a volunteer run organization that operates under contract with the County of Stafford to provide a recreational baseball/softball program for its citizens.
Consider a sponsorship or volunteer your time!

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